Make the Bed!

Sometimes we don't want to make the bed because we think it will take too long. Get a stopwatch and see if you can really make up your bed in 60 seconds! This Bible StorySong is named Make the Bed!! Paula King and Cathy Walker sing and do motions for the Bible StorySong, "Make the Bed!" is a new vlog web site we created to make sing-a-long Bible StorySongs videos available to families! We began posting during the first months of the pandemic and sang songs about peace we had written. Singing about the Bible is profitable for all! Thank you to The Bible Tells Me So Corp. for their encouragement! To listen to more Bible StorySongs music visit! They have streaming of songs, sheet music, lyrics and even some adorable videos and crafts to go along with this music! About us: Paula and Cathy have been writing children's Bible songs for decades. This past year, we retired and we are happy that Bible StorySongs was acquired by The Bible Tells Me So Corporation. We have permission from The Bible Tells Me So, corp. to post these sing-along videos that we made several years ago. Watching a video with hand motions is the best way to sing along plus learning and remembering a new song! "Make the Bed!" Written by Paula King and Catherine Walker "Make the Bed!" ©2020 The Bible Tells Me So Corporation "Make the Bed! "Singeo ©2020 PeacePals Club
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